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Last Inspection
View Full Building Record as of 5/5/2020 (PDF)
2016/23/02 Failed. Conservation Annual Inspection #11306850.
See details below.
CN062024 | Failed to maintain parapet wall in good repair and free from cracks and defects. (13-196-530 and 13-196-641) | South elevation, Parapet – Washed out mortar in brick. |
CN101015 | Failed to maintain interior walls and ceilings free from holes or cracks. (13-19-540(c)) | 3rd floor unit 308 – Bedroom wall water damage at window and corner northeast corner of room. |
CN107025 | Failed to install standard internally illuminated exit, fire escape, and/or directional signs. (13-196-090, 13-160-700 thru 13-160-770) | 1st floor east stair – Missing exit sign directional at in corridor directing the the path of egress. |
CN107035 | Failed to maintain all exit signs illuminated when building is occupied and otherwise maintain exit signs in good condition. (13-196-090, 13-160-700 thru 13-160-770) | 2nd floor hallway – Exit sign out. |
CN197087 | Install carbon monoxide detector within 40 feet of every sleeping room in residential structure. (13-64-190, 13-64-210) A carbon monoxide detector is needed whenever there is a heating appliance on the premises that burns fossil fuel such as gas, oil, or coal, or air that is circulated through a heat exchanger. Install according to manufacturer instructions. A hard wired model requires an electrical wiring permit. In a single family residence, be sure the detector is on or below the lowest floor with a place to sleep. In a multiple dwelling residence heated by a boiler, install a detector in the same room as the boiler. Otherwise, each apartment follows single family guidelines. The owner is responsible for installation and written instructions, the tenant for testing, maintenance, and batteries. | 1st floor laundry room and basement boiler room missing carbon monoxide detectors. |
NC5012 | Failed to provide stairwell opening with self-closing, framed, 1-1/2 hour Class B door. (15-8-180) | All floors, east and west stairwells – All stair doors missing latching hardware. 3rd floor west stair – door closer broken, door does not close. |
NC5062 | Failed to remove fusible links and/or other hold-open mechanism on stairwell doors in buildings where stairwells serve more than three floors. (15-8-180(c)) | Multiple floor, East and west stairwells – Most of the stairwell doors are being held open. |
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