Reviews of Beal Properties

Below are all the reviews currently submitted to us as of our launch on May 1st, 2020. For reviews prior to that date, you can check out the reviews on major sites or what was reported in the media that we linked for you. We’ve done our best to link you to all the reviews we’ve been able to find and link to, and not just those curated by the providers.

Our goal is to provide the entire picture, good or bad, of Beal Properties operation, tenant relations, and building conditions as reported by the media or tenants.

Reviews Posted on Major Sites

Yelp (Hidden Reviews)
Google Reviews (search “Beal Properties”)

Reported in the Media

These are stories written by neighborhood blogs or major media that serve the Chicago area that have written about Beal Properties.

07/28/2010 – Chicago Yelpers slam Beal Properties
11/16/2010 – Beal Properties – Chicago’s Worse Landlord?
02/20/2013 – Beal Properties and Building Owner Sue Anonymous Yelp Reviewer
12/17/2014 – Apartments Management Group (Beal Properties) racks up negative reviews at Yelp
01/02/2018 – Lakeview Resident Says Her Heat is Out and Building Management (Beal Properties) has not helped
09/06/2018 – Beal Properties Terminate Leases for Lakeview Tenants Days After Move-In
02/07/2019 – Beal Properties Settles with Tenant Bit by Rat
06/03/2019 – Landlord Investigated by CBS 2 for Rat Issues – Beal Properties
03/31/2020 – Beal Denies Assistance to Renters During COVID-19

Reviews Submitted to Us

Reviews will come in as people visit and submit their experience. See all the reviews submitted to us below, or check out the above listed resources for additional feedback!

1.4 out of 5 stars (based on 30 reviews)
Very good7%

Most traumatic experience ever

June 22, 2024

I’ve lived in one of Beal properties building in ravenswood Chicago and filed a lawsuit against them after living there almost 2 years. My building engineers kept going into my apartment without reasonable cause or notice knowing I had ptsd. I reported it and it never stopped. They also refused to take care of necessary repairs and I caught asthma because of mold that grew. When I finally tried to asset my right more aggressively by telling them i would sue them if they didn’t take measures, they started intimidating me. My mail was being tempered with, they refused to help me with camera footage to file police reports, I was terrified of even being home. My car was being messed with too and eventually I got death threats. Being I had PTSD I couldn’t take the mental abuse anymore, I ended up abandoning my unit with all of my belongings inside. It was the most traumatic thing I’ve ever dealt with. When I filed a lawsuit at the northern district of Illinois court they refused to take any evidence for discovery and send my documents to a fake email. I would start getting emails by some creep with an almost identical email using my last name (a not so common last name) with a typo in my first name. I even tried to convince myself maybe that person existed but when I look it up there was nobody living on this planet under that name. This makes me think whoever owns this BS company has affiliations with corrupted people in high places in the city of Chicago. It was a battle to even get IDHR to take my complaint and eventually I had to drop my complaint because I lost my rights to be in the US after living in America 7 years and I realised IDHR also was just keeping this file hanging and not actually doing anything about it. So yeah please don’t deal with this fucked up company, they’re creepy, you’ll have a hard time asserting your rights and might try to kill you if you don’t bend over backwards to let them bamboozle you.

A girl

Bizarre plumbing, stolen packages…but I do love my roomy studio.

June 22, 2024

Desperately hoping rent doesn’t increase a ridiculous amount when my lease is up, because I love my apartment at 816 W Waveland. When touring, the agent claimed increases were between 3-5% yearly, but according to my neighbors, it’s always higher. Only wish I’d gotten it in writing, but at least I still have the agent’s contact info. (I doubt it’ll help, but here’s hoping.)

The tenants have a WhatsApp chat where we share issues and ask folks to grab any super important packages that arrive while we’re out (packages regularly get stolen here). I get everything delivered to either the Whole Foods next door or the UPS a block away. The walls are thin and part of the semi-basement floods with heavy rain. My plumbing connects the bathroom and kitchen sinks, which the handymen always comment was a bizarre choice (it has caused several plumbing issues). They also don’t recycle, which is probably my biggest personal complaint. Same as my last building: they have recycling bins, but everything goes into them. I guess they just pay whatever fines must apply?

I love the size of my unit for the (current) rent and the location is unbeatable. I came here from a tiny, “landlord’s special” studio, so by comparison, this is nice. The building manager responds to issues within 1-2 days in my experience, but she doesn’t respond to texts; a handyman will just stop by at some point unannounced. Fingers crossed there are no nasty surprises come summer, because fall, winter, and spring have so far been good in terms of bugs, unit temp, etc.


bed bug infestation!

June 22, 2024

I live at 4829 N Damen Avenue. I got bed bugs the second day I lived there. They do annual bed bug inspections (which I’ve never seen a building do) and when they tested my mattress, it showed that I had them. Two days after I moved in! I was made aware that other multiple other units were also being treated for bed bugs. Seven months later, I have them again, and worse! I found one crawling across my bed and my arms and legs are all bitten up. I took every precaution to avoid getting bed bugs again and I’m certain they’re in the walls. The property owner and building manager were swift to address the issue, but the bottom line is that the building is infested with bed bugs that they can’t control.


it’s fine…i guess. building manager is a piece of WORK

March 1, 2024

I’ve lived in the 4034-4040 N Ashland apartments for a little over a year and a half. The apartment itself is honestly a very decent apartment! Granite counters, wood floors, big living room, etc. Is it worth the over $1700 I pay in rent? Absolutely not. There have been no internal improvements or renovations of my living space. The laundry room costs an otherworldly $2.99 per cycle which I think is a complete scam. They advertised to us that they were improving the laundry room machines and all they did was keep the same machines and add a more expensive credit card machine that you have to use an app to use. They also told us NOTHING about the app other than a piece of paper taped to the table in the laundry room. There also always seems to be a problem in the laundry room that causes it to be shut down for a couple days to a week at a time. One time, we had no laundry room access for over a week due to an issue with the laundry app not activating the machines. They told us nothing about when it would be fixed and I honestly do not know how other people made it because we were washing clothes out of our sink. Even today, 2/28/24 we had some sort of plumbing issue and the laundry room floor was covered in fecal matter and we are going to be without water for 1-2 days(they told us one day but knowing them this will probably take a while).

I have also had consistent issues with the building manager, Julia. I will say, the one safety issue I did have with another tenants dog attacking my dog and I, she and Beal were extremely quick on getting me their information so I could go to law enforcement about the situation. Other than that however, Julia is pretty much unreachable unless the issue is A: severe enough in her eyes or B: you bombard her with text messages. When I was touring apartments, my agent told me that we “would kind of have to be a karen” if we wanted to get an issue done quickly and she could have NOT understated that more. For example, my dishwasher had a part that broke right after Thanksgiving, it is maybe a $20 part at lowes or home depot but I told my boyfriend that I wanted to see how quickly they would take care of this issue. Over the course of about a month, I sent Julia multiple texts with no response, INCLUDING one time of getting ghosted by her because our schedules within the next 48 hours didn’t line up for them to come into the apartment. Two days later, my dishwasher was not draining and flooding my apartment. It took Julia ONE WEEK to get someone out just to look at it. The guy was literally in my apartment for two minutes and looked at it, told me ” you know you could’ve just turned the dishwasher on and off again and it would’ve drained?” It then took them another four days to come back with the part and get it fully fixed. So, for a $20 part that was needing to be replaced in late November, we got the dishwasher fully fixed the first week of February. That entire time we had to wash our dishes by hand. When the dishwasher started flooding, we couldn’t use our kitchen sink at all because it was draining into the dishwasher. We were given no apology or rental discount since an entire amenity of our apartment wasn’t working for 2 1/2 months. Overall, maybe I lucked out on an apartment but lord I feel that if Julia was not there, I would’ve had a much more pleasant experience. She seems inexperienced and if she is, I don’t know how she’s been employed this long.


Just a normal city apartment.

February 26, 2024

I’ve rented a 1b/1ba at 947-57 W Cornelia for 1.5 years now, and it’s been mostly fine. Overpriced? Yes, but it’s a nice little space.

The unit was super clean at move-in. Kemal, the building “engineer” is alright, he can be annoying but just be assertive with him and you’ll get what you need.

No issues with bugs/roaches or rodents.

The toilet is sooo slow and quick to back up, but water pressure in the shower is great for an older building.

Baseboard heaters are a huge PITA. For such a small space, it’s impossible to keep the place adequately warm during the deep freezes, and my ComEd bill was ridiculous. Give me radiators any day.

I’ve never had an issue with neighbors, everyone is polite and respectful with noise, guests, etc.

Laundry an ungodly $2.99 per load, and there’s always at least one or two machines broken or don’t work well. The laundry room is in the basement and gnarly as hell

Bottom line, I’ve had a fine experience. I promise I’m not a Beal shill, I totally believe the complaints and negligence reported by other tenants, past and present, around the city. I think I just got really lucky. My last rental from Bil-Mar was literally full of felons, animal abusers, drug users/dealers, and cockroaches, so take that context for what you will.

For anyone like me that found this website before move-in but AFTER signing your lease, I would say don’t panic, can be fine and normal. If not, God bless ya.


Not a good company

February 4, 2024

I chose this place on a pinch when I had to move to Chicago. The studio is the size of a room, fine. But the studio had cockroaches, I found cockroach poops in the cupboards. They did come to spray and after that I still saw a few, they seem to be gone now. Another thing is the theft of mail. I get like 1 package a week stolen. I saw rats in the basement laundry room, though that also seems to have been addressed after I made a call to the city. The building has constant smell of poop or sewer, not exaggerating, in our lobby it smells almost as if a dog has pooped nearby. These are probably the most egregious things. I am happy to say that I will be moving out of here soon.


Mushrooms Growing from our ceiling

February 4, 2024

3829 N Fremont- We had a water leak from one of the apartments above us. They gave us a dehumidifier and said good luck. weeks later, a mushroom sprouted from our ceiling and they removed it and patched the hole with no further inspection. They are unconcerned with potential mold growth in our ceilings, which is a health issue.


Unsafe living conditions at 505 Belmont

July 2, 2023

My apartment has been infested with rats and mosquitos and the building manager and management company refuse to call an exterminator. It’s insane to me the way they’ve dragged their feet on this issue. The building manager prefers to argue with the tenants over actually following state law.


Three Years of 0 Support

July 2, 2023

I am moving in August (finally) after a slew of unresponsive requests, stolen packages, tenant neighbors with criminal activity, dirty laundry, and a a haphazard maintenance structure that means things are “fixed” but really just a temporarily. The offices don’t connect you through to talk to anyone, I feel like I’m always leaving messages, and my emails are often ignored, especially when dealing with repeated criminal activity in my building. I would avoid Beal Properties at all cost. Save yourself the stress and lack of security.



June 11, 2023

Living in this apartment (951 W Cornelia) was a sh!t show from start to finish. Let’s begin.

Looking For Apartments (August 2022)

– We found the apartment on and sent a message through their portal. We were put in touch with a realtor who started trying to set up tours of the apartment. This realtor must have quit immediately after we showed interest, because we got a call from a different person the next day. We had lots of questions because half of the pictures on looked really crummy and the other half looked nice. Obviously, we were only interested in the nice units, so we really needed to tour to confirm. But it should be noted that we were desperate to just get a roof over our heads and everyone in the city moves on August 1. What we heard from the realtor was that the current tenants were unwilling to show their apartment, and she had to go through Kamal (the building manager) to even communicate with them. She also told us that she already had people submitting applications for this place, so if we wanted it, we would need to apply ASAP. Like I said, we were desperate, so we applied and signed the lease in the same day, sight unseen, trusting this realtor that it was one of the nicer apartments in this building. Approximately 48 hours after signing the lease, miss realtor told us that she was able to set up a tour. So we showed up at the tour time, bright eyed and bushy tailed, ready to see what we had paid for. But she wasn’t able to get keys! Because the property manager wasn’t there, Beal obviously didn’t give her any, and the tenants either weren’t home or didn’t answer. So that sucked. After two weeks (TWO WEEKS AFTER SIGNING THE LEASE) we were able to tour. We walked in to a smoke filled room that was clearly one of the dingier apartments. Listen, I am not one to judge, but if I knew strangers were coming to see my apartment, I wouldn’t be hitting a bong with my friends at that moment.

Moving In

The actual moving in wasn’t bad- we showed up at the correct time, Kamal gave us our keys (saying a few might not work), and we moved in our stuff. Once we were settled, we sent a maintenance request through the Beal portal with a few things that weren’t working: the hall closet doors weren’t on hinges and our shower head was taped on. Weird that they weren’t fixed before we moved in, but whatever, right? The shower head was changed within 24 hours of that request, so we were like, damn! What a great management group! How long did it take for someone to put the doors on our closet? THREE MONTHS! LOL!

The Last Twelve Months

During our time here, any maintenance requests were ignored. The property manager was impossible to reach (by call and text). When we tried to go above him to Beal admin, the person who answered the main line was so kind: we’re sorry we missed your request, that sucks that the washing machine doesn’t work, ridiculous that your property manager isn’t texting you back, yada yada. Then they would tell me that the person who directly oversees my apartment in their office was on a lunch break and couldn’t talk to me, but would call me back. Plot twist: she didn’t. I tried calling at 10am, 1pm, 3pm, 4:45pm- always on a lunch break. The desk person gave me her email, but she never emailed me back. I genuinely think I reached out so much that they just started ignoring me because I was too annoying.

Every time I interacted with one of my neighbors, the whole conversation was about how much we hate living here and how we can’t wait to move. When we first moved in and were begging people to let us into our building, they would say “yeah you’ll regret living here.” We just got new neighbors upstairs and one of them came up behind me while I was trying to unlock our building door. I moved out of the way and said “oh, do your keys work?” and she said “nope! my husband is coming down to let me in”

Be F$cking For Real

– The property manager literally warned us, but our keys consistently didn’t work. My fiancé’s key could get into the laundry room, but not the door to our building. My key could get us into the building, but not the laundry room. Neither of our keys worked for the front gate. The back gate was constantly unlocked (which made me feel so secure living in a high traffic tourist area), so that’s how we got in. Unless we waited for someone to let us in the front gate/building. Evenetually an old woman told us the pin # for the front gate (which we didn’t even know existed), so we were able to start using that. We texted Kamal and emailed Beal asking for new keys, and they said “we didn’t change the locks so you can’t have new keys”

– In September, we started noticing the issues with the mail. We weren’t getting letters and our packages arrived way later than the “delivered” date (if we even got them at all). We talked to Kamal, and he said go to the post office. I go to the post office, they tell me to go to the USPS carrier annex (it’s like the main mail building).

Visit to the Annex #1-They asked if our names were on the inside of our mailbox. F!cking obviously, they already were. We asked if they had our mail, and they said “oh your delivery person is already out en route, so you should get it today” (we did not)

Visit to Annex #2 (October)- I asked where our mail was and the person told me that the carrier had reported that our mailbox didn’t work and told me to talk to our landlord. I said, well then do you have our mail, and she said, no it’s already en route. BFFR.

Visit to Annex #3 (November)- At this point, the mail carrier started leaving notes on our mailboxes that are like “this is a crime, fix the GD mailboxes.” by this time, I’ve submitted multiple maintenance requests, I’ve called and texted Kamal, I’ve called Beal, and I’ve thought about calling the City, because this is not okay. I get to the annex for the third time, right as they open, and the clerk is able to put three months of mail in my hands- wedding invitations, checks, health insurance information, two credit cards. Thank god.

Around the end of November/start of December, I see Kamal replacing our mailboxes. Great! We can get mail again! WRONG. We didn’t get keys to the new mailboxes until a week later. The method of delivery? Left loose outside of our unit doors: no label that it was a mail key, no email to let us know they were coming, nothing. But we put our names in the mailbox and started getting mail. Do we still only have a 50% success rate with having packages not getting stolen. Yes.

– We have five washers and five dryers in the laundry room. Three washers work consistently well, one is hit or miss, and one literally doesn’t work at all. Other tenants have left signs and notes, I’m certainly not the only one who texted Kamal and sent a maintenance request, but it did not get fixed. In a year. For the dryers, two of them work great, the rest you have to run your clothes through twice, even if it’s a tiny load. OH, not to mention that it costs $3 PER LOAD.

– Our unit has an intercom thing on the wall. Doesn’t work, we can’t buzz anyone in through the gate or our main door. On top of that, our name isn’t even in the directory in the call box by our gate. So we just give our friends the code that one random lady gave us to get them in.

– Twice we’ve had a leaky sink and one time a repair person did actually answer the maintenance request. But he didn’t even fix it. He said “it’s all good!” but it just kept leaking. So we figured out how to fix it for ourselves, because no way was he coming back.

– Honorable mentions: tenants not picking up their dogs shit, 0 cameras on site, making sure that someone is home for them to come and do checks/measurements and then not showing up, only two of our stove burners work without us using a lighter, the radiator in our bathroom doesn’t work, there is so much visible water damage in our kitchen, and items on shelves need to be perfectly balanced so that the shelves don’t collapse because they only have 3/4 of the pegs that hold them in.

My Fiancé Wanted Me to Share Good Things About Our Apartment

– no bugs or rats

– water worked (except for two days out of our year long lease)

– the heaters that work, work well

– great location

– I have a small back porch area I can smoke on (not that the light out there works, I have to take a flashlight, but it exists)

– the courtyard is quite nice (when people pick up their pets shit)

I’m exhausted from writing this. So just don’t move into a Beal apartment.


Screwed over on pricing

June 11, 2023

I have had a very negative experience dealing with this leasing company. Firstly, my unit was marked as ‘renovated’ when the only change made was the replacement of a sink, which led to an unjustified rent increase. When I attempted to discuss this issue with the renewal agent (Bree, whose contact info isn’t even listed on their site), they were evasive and did not provide direct answers.

In addition, outdated address information on Google and Apple maps has resulted in my packages being delivered to the wrong location on numerous occasions. There have been many incidents of package theft on the property.

In some sort of sick joke, the trees they have planted in the courtyard of my complex is the “Pyrus calleryana” which is known in Australia as the “cum tree” because of its incredibly pungent aroma. Now that they are blossoming in Spring, the trees are oppressive on warmer days. Also worth noting it is considered an invasive species.

One other issue is they are seemingly unaware about the requirement to have a smoke detector within 10ft of the entrance to my bedroom. They placed it in the middle of the unit thinking it would be fine yet my unit definitely requires 2 to reach everything.

There are chunks of wood missing out of the floor, the front door latch is deteriorating badly, and the seal around all the windows are so bad that I shiver sitting near them in the winter.

Several of the things they said they would do after I moved in they never got around to (such as painting the front door).

One thing I will say though is the engineer for my building is superb. I know a lot of people have had issues interacting with theirs but I can not say the same about Brandon.


It’s embarrassing to say I live here

March 3, 2023

Dirtiest apartment building I have ever lived in. It doesn5 get better, just worst. Fix and leave a mess. Patch and paint instead of repairing. Plumbing ancient. Laundry is in the basement which is smelly, dark & filthy. Elevator is out again. Lobby smells like chemicals used in a business next door. One star is for nice neighbors.


No price worth the price

January 21, 2023

I can put up with a lot of bad conditions for cheap rent and I have. I was not under the impression this was an exactly high standard of living when I moved in but I just needed a place to keep my stuff and sleep. Somehow, it did not even meet that basic expectation. There are bugs, and not the “I live in a city and near the lake and it happens sometimes” kind of bugs, no matter how clean I leave this place I will come home and there will be a roach in the kitchen area. Never mind I never cook or eat here because of it, so I’m definitely not leaving food out, they come anyway. Worse in the summer, where they also come from the no longer active radiator pipes. One of the windows in my bathroom doesn’t close, been like that since I moved in. Sometimes there’s no hot water in the kitchen sink. Then about halfway through my stay here they switched to card laundry that’s more expensive despite the machines still sucking, and then wanted to raise rent 100 bucks with two weeks to decide lease renewal. See ya. The good things I will say is that I had positive experiences with the building engineer and other tenants in the building


They don’t care unless you owe them money

January 14, 2023

I have had several issues since moving into my unit in Wrigleyville. Every time my building engineer IGNORES my messages! I had a broken toilet that took over a month before someone responded to me. The only reason they did was because I went off on them on the phone for calling me about a late rent payment.

A large dog attacked my husband in our courtyard and we filed a police report. The building engineer did NOTHING to help, in fact said they have no documentation of a dog matching the description so they can’t help.

My unit’s floors are terrible and my bed is falling thru the floor boards. I can’t get someone to come check out an electrical issue. I had no idea when moving to chicago this would happen, and tried hard to do research, yet I’ve found myself in this predicament.

I should have known to run when they tried to say my husband and I needed another co-signer and that we needed to submit everything immediately or else we would lose the apartment. I pushed back and we got the apartment without another co-signer. They don’t care about health or safety of tenants. Hopefully I can get someone to look at this electrical issue before my building burns down.


I would recommend my enemy to live here

December 16, 2022

I WOULD NOT RECOMMEND TO MY ENEMY TO LIVE HERE. If there was negative 100 star I’d give it without hesitation.

1) my car got vandalized in their paid parking($200 a month) they don’t have cameras there and not responsible for ANYTHING. Since my car insurance didn’t cover vandalism I had to pay out of my pocket $900 and asked management if at least they could give me 1 month free parking. Of course answer is no, they love their money and being not responsible for anything and not even installing a single camera in parking lot.

2) couple times on my assigned parking spot someone illegally parked and they don’t let you call towing company to tow it away, only office can do it on weekdays 9am-5pm. And guess what, when you arrive at 2 am in your house you can’t sleep in your bed. You’ll have to sleep in the car since you don’t want your car towed away. So get some pillows and blankets in the car.

3) right now 2 months left till my lease ends and they bothering me and my family showing my apartment to possible new tenants TWICE A WEEK. This is the worst experience in my life, would never recommend anyone to live here.



December 9, 2022

I recently applied to rent out a unit here but was told that I needed a cosigner. However, my credit was not poor and my income met the requirements. They still insisted I needed another cosigner aside the one I had provided. Not to mention, my current rent was higher than their leasing apt. The place wasn’t even all that for me to look for another cosigner. Not sure if I was getting scammed, they were being discriminative, or they just took my application fee.


Maintenance and Management do not care

December 9, 2022

I’ve been living here for almost a year – my apartment was NOT clean when I moved in, my stove still doesn’t fully work, the resident below me I’ve called the police on multiple times for beating up his girlfriends and management won’t do anything, maintenance never comes when they say they will (or they come without telling you and enter without permission), showers don’t work properly, building is always dirty, heaters don’t work properly, windows aren’t sealed properly so cold air comes through.


Frozen Pipes, Leaky ceiling and massive building FIRE to top it off!

May 2, 2022

Visually, our apartment looked great when signing the lease, but we quickly discovered many issues. The ceiling above our tub was leaking and although management said they would repair, they never did. We were woken up to no hot water in the winter due to frozen pipes in our kitchen. The building engineer had to RIP out the wall to unfreeze the pipes and never repainted. Our grand finale was the building fire that took place 2 floors above us. No fire alarms went off, no explanation of the fire and no cleaning done for weeks. The building smelled of smoke, the walls were damaged, water was running out of electricity sockets, and the burned unit was not boarded up – it remained open to the outside for over a week even though management said “We immediately boarded it up!” when I have photo evidence that it was not. We requested vent cleaning, management has been slow to respond and a month later we have had no proper cleaning of apartment ventilation or updates on the repairs. We even overheard an agent showing a damaged unit in the building that was directly under the fire saying not to mind the hallway as they were just “repainting the walls”. Please avoid this company at all costs so you don’t experience what we experienced. P.S Always check your fire alarms. Peace & Blessings


Highland Park native – avoid Beal!

January 2, 2022

I am a Highland Park native and thought I could move back into the area without issue. Not with Beal though! They do not screen and weed out criminals, so I am stuck with druggies destroying this rich neighborhood. Drug trafficking is common here through out of state degenerate tenants. Beal values money, while they are destroying safe communities with the degenerates they rent to. I never encountered junkies until I moved here. The police and city sent them out. Now, slumlords welcome them in to destroy rich areas, while taxpayers suffer as a result. I cannot believe one managing company can destroy so many safe towns over money, but that’s what’s happening here. I will be contacting my attorney to break the lease since there’s no resolution to this situation except leaving. I am bitterly disappointed that Highland Park allows this slumlord to keep operating within their city.


Roaches because of nasty neighbors

September 25, 2021

One unit in my building is disgusting and should be condemned. They constantly leave loose, open trash piled up outside their door, and I’ve gotten roaches in my unit recently that are probably coming from that one. I’ve complained about their trash many times (at least 8 from my email history).

Laundry is too expensive ($2/wash & $2/dry), and they raised rent during the pandemic (so I’m now paying over $1000/month for this sh*thole). I’ve been trying to get out of my lease since it renewed in April, and now it’s almost October. I found out in April (first month of my current 1 year lease) that I’m supposed to be leaving Chicago and they wouldn’t work with me at all to try to shorten or let me out of my lease even though it had just started, so I have to pay them $2000 to break my lease or find some other poor soul to take it instead. I hate this place so much.

The only positives are the proximity to the train and the large size of a studio apartment. I should’ve done more research before signing.
